Noise Survey/Risk Assessment
Risk Safety Services, a Health & Safety consultant based in Kent, is pleased to announce their new service offering: a noise survey risk assessment.
Our Health & Safety consultants have extensive experience in assessing the risks posed by noise levels and can provide a comprehensive survey to help you ensure your employees are as safe as possible.
This comprehensive survey is an invaluable tool in providing companies with a detailed list of their potential risks associated with noise or vibration levels within their workplace.

Contact us for further information. Call us on 01304 793058 or email

The Law
Significant changes to the Noise at Work Regulations came into force in Spring 2006 yet, even now in 2012; many companies have yet to comply with the changes and are at serious risk from prosecution.
It is estimated that 170,000 people suffer deafness, tinnitus, or other ear conditions as a result of exposure to excessive noise in the workplace. Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is one of the most common causes of disability in the UK, and the Noise Regulations aim to reduce the numbers affected. Are you ready to make a positive difference in your workplace?
Bespoke Assessments
We can tailor a noise assessment of your workplace to ensure you have the appropriate measures in place. Our assessment complies with HSE guidance for employers – “Noise Assessments, Getting What You Need”. It is carried out by one of our competent noise specialists. Do not confuse a cheap noise survey with a competent noise survey. Several clients using us for the first time have commented how good our noise survey is when compared to what they have had done before.
Commonly, noise assessments take between one and two days to carry out and complete, depending on the size of your organisation and scope of noise.

Bi-Annual Review
For more information on how we can help you with your noise in the workplace, please contact Risk Safety Services Limited on 01304 793058 or email