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Noise can be just as dangerous as fire or poor safety measures.

Working in a particularly noisy environment can damage your hearing if you are exposed to high levels of noise on a regular basis.  Identifying how much noise is too much noise, and where the dangers lie, can be discovered by having a Noise Risk Assessment undertaken at your premises.  Risk Safety Services are expert providers of Noise Risk Assessments in Kent.

Why Does My Business Need A Noise Risk Assessment?

If your business involves the use of noisy power tools or machinery, explosive sources such as cartridge operated tools or detonators, or suffers from the noise impact of hammering, drop forging or pneumatic impact tools, you should have a Noise Risk Assessment undertaken as soon as possible.

Why Is Noise A Hazard? 

Working environments that are too loud can be detrimental to the long-term hearing ability of everyone on the premises. Being able to identify areas that need protection from noise, or workers that need apparatus to lessen the harmful effects, will protect staff and visitors to your place of business. A professional Noise Risk Assessment analysis will be able to advise you on the following:

  • Areas where hearing protection must be provided and used
  • Areas where further noise control protocols must be implements
  • How and why you must provide information, training and health surveillance for your staff who are exposed to high levels of noise.

What Are My Obligations In Respect Of Noise At Work?

The Noise at Work Regulations have been in force since the Spring of 2006, yet many companies still do not effectively comply with their legal obligations and are at serious risk of prosecution, and of course, causing damage to the hearing abilities of their employees.

With as many as 170,000 people suffering from deafness, tinnitus or other ear conditions as a result of exposure to excessive noise in the work place, ensuring that your staff are protected is incredibly important.  Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is one of the most common causes of disability in the UK and the Noise Regulations were developed to reduce the numbers affected.

What Is A Noise Risk Assessment?

Usually taking place over one or two days, a Noise Risk Assessment will identify any areas of your workplace where noise levels could cause harm.  Here at Risk Safety Services, our Noise Risk Assessments comply with all HSE guidance for employers; “Noise Assessments, Getting What You Need”.  We guarantee they are always carried out by one of our competent and fully qualified noise assessment specialists.
An effective Noise Risk Assessment in Kent will cover the following:

  • Identifying where there may be a risk from noise and who is likely to be affected
  • Obtaining a reliable estimate of your employees’ exposures, whilst comparing the exposure with the exposure action values and limit values
  • Identifying what you need to do to comply with the law, e.g. whether noise-control measures or hearing protection are needed, and, if so, where and what type
  • Identifying any employees who need to be provided with health surveillance and whether any are at particular risk
  • Measuring the amount of support and advice offered to your staff in respect of hearing loss

We only measure noise during the few days that we are on your premises, but we use a recognised estimation process to assess any potential risks. Our estimate of employees’ exposure will take into account the work they do, the work they are likely to do in the future and the way in which they undertake this work.

How Can I Book A Noise Risk Assessment In Kent?

Easy!  Our staff at Risk Safety Services are on hand to advise you of how to book a Noise Risk Assessment and will be more than happy to visit your premises to help you and your staff stay protected from the dangers of long term exposure to loud noises.

Call Risk Safety Services today to see how we can help on 0843 523 0410.