- Choosing the wrong type of access equipment resulting in falls from height.
- Dropping of work equipment onto persons below.
- Damaged ladders / stepladders or plastic steps resulting in falls from height.
- Unsecured ladders
- Ladders erected close to overhead power supplies.
- Ladders erected so that they obstruct walkways or vehicle routes may lead to a collision causing the user to fall.
- Falls from height
- Objects falling from height.
- Incorrectly erecting and dis-assembly of tower scaffolds / scaffolding leading to operatives falling or equipment falling from height onto person/s below.
- Failure to take additional precautions when working on roofs or fragile surfaces may lead to operatives falling from height.
- Work that imposes a side loading, such as side-on drilling through solid materials, e.g. bricks or concrete, may cause a stepladder or ladder and the user/ work materials to fall.
- Hot / cold and wet weather
- Falls from height while fitting / removing or cleaning guttering system parts.