Confined Space Permit


All works carried out within confined spaces on company premises are subject to a permit-to-work.

The high-risk nature of confined spaces work requires a permit to work and once provided. A permit to work is defined as a specialised safe system of work through which certain activities can only be carried out by an authorised person.


Confined Spaces Permit-to-Work

All works carried out within confined spaces on company premises are subject to a permit-to-work.

The high-risk nature of confined spaces work requires a permit to work. A permit to work is defined as a specialised safe system of work through which certain activities can only be carried out by an authorised person.

Permits to Work are an essential and important way of ensuring the health and safety of employees, contractors and others. They go towards ensuring a company fulfils their duty of care.

A confined space is defined as any place which by virtue of its enclosed nature there is a higher specifiable risk. Confined spaces include but are not limited to: pipes, chambers, tanks, pits, trenches, vats, silos, sewers and wells.

No person whether working for the company or working on company premises should enter or follow instructions to enter a confide space for any purpose:

  • Before obtaining a valid permit to work
  • Unless there is no reasonably practicable way around a necessary task

Confined Space permits-to-work can only be issued by a Competent Person. They can be issued for a maximum of one day.

PLEASE NOTE: A Confined Space permit-to-work allows access to the specific space and not a right to carry out works within this space, should they be subject to further permits e.g. asbestos removal or digging.

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