Conducting regular health and safety risk assessments is a vital task for any business. It is essential for all businesses who want to operate legally. Without looking closely at your premises to identify hazards and potential hazards, how can you protect your workforce and customers? Full health and safety assessment and report in Kent is essential to comply with the law. A proactive approach to health and safety ensures your Kent business will be seen as a reputable company and working within the law. Risk Safety Service can assist with health and safety assessment and report in Kent and surrounding areas.

What is a Risk Assessment?

A risk assessment is a careful and comprehensive examination of the things in the workplace that could potentially cause harm to people. The Health and Safety at Work Act etc 1974 (HSWA) explains that employers have a legal a legal duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees and other people who might be affected by their activities.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 puts into place the law regarding risk assessment. It states employers must conduct a risk assessment of their premises and identify potential hazards. They must also take steps to reduce the chance of accidents. A risk assessment must:

  • Identify possible causes of harm/hazards within the workplace.
  • Evaluate the likelihood of the harm occurring, considering the safeguards in place.
  • Put further safeguarding measures in place where needed, bringing the risk of harm down to a reasonably practicable level.

After carrying out a risk assessment most businesses will find they can make changes to improve the health and safety of their premises. Being in breach of this law can result in significant financial penalties and reputational damage.

Who carries out your Risk Assessment and Report in Kent?

Business owners can carry out their own risk assessments, there are guidelines available, and you can follow them closely. However, working with professional and experience health and safety consultants ensures an efficient and comprehensive assessment and report.

Undertaking your own risk assessment and report should be something you consider very carefully. You need to be confident you have a good understanding of the process before looking for a professional to help you.

At Risk Safety Services, we can help you with your health and safety policies. Our experts can help carry out risk assessments on sites of all sizes and can provide recommendations and guidance to improve your overall health and safety.  Contact Risk Safety Services Limited on Tel: 0343 523 0410 or Email: to find out more.