The impact of fire at a manufacturing plant can be devastating. Therefore, your fire risk safety and auditing processes are of vital importance. Risk Safety Services offer fire risk audit for manufacturing plants in Kent. Our services ensure your facility is prepared in the event of fire and has the appropriate protection in place to avoid unnecessary fire risk too.

A Fire Risk Assessment is a legal requirement. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that businesses must have in place and carry out on a routine basis a fire risk assessment.  The responsible person for the premises needs to carry out this assessment or appoint a competent person to carry it out on their behalf.  Ensuring that the property and staff members are safe is critical so a fire risk assessment report should be in place to keep risks to a minimum.

Managing Fire Risks in Manufacturing

The impact of fire in a manufacturing facility can be extensive and even spell the end of your business. Fire has the potential to destroy the building, your products and severely harm and injure you personnel. Similarly, loss of inventory is also highly possible, and it can be very difficult to recover after fire. The blaze at a factory in Hoo is just one example of a fire in the Kent area, showing just how devastating it can be.

Manufacturing facilities must meet the requirements set out in the Regulator Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. These legal requirements set a minimum specification for ensuring compliance and protecting people within the facility. It is vital employers comply with the legislation to ensure they are compliant with law. Consideration to keep in mind include:


Materials, such as the raw materials used in manufacturing and also finished products and packaging need to be stored safely. You may hold a lot of stock in your manufacturing facility; therefore, it is vital you arrange this stock properly to avoid fire risk. You must keep stored materials tidy to avoid further risk in the event of fire.

Flammable Substances

Dependent on your business’ products, you may need to keep flammable substances on-site. Substances such as natural gas liquids or liquefied petroleum gas are common in manufacturing plants.  However, you need to treat them with caution and care. Storage amounts should be kept to a minimum and they should be stored in well-ventilated areas, away from combustible materials.

Manufacturing Machinery

For a manufacturing plant to operate successfully chances are you use quite a lot of machinery. Whether electrical or powered in another way, machinery poses a fire risk. From overheating to refuelling and other essential tasks, the hazards relating to your machinery can be plentiful. Therefore, proper fire risk assessments for your manufacturing machinery is vital. Regular maintenance and servicing is also important to ensure the safety of your equipment.

Fire Risk Audit for Manufacturing Plants in Kent

Risk Safety Services can provide fire risk assessment, auditing and even training if required. We can work with your team to ensure your premises are as fire safe as possible. Furthermore, we also work to ensure our clients’ premises comply fully with relevant fire safety legislation. Get in touch today to find out more.

Image source: Pexels