Fire Risk Assessment In Kent – Do You Know Your Obligations?
If you own any kind of business or building that is open to the public, you need to ensure that you are able to produce an up to date Fire Risk Assessment to ensure the ongoing safety of your staff and visitors.
If you are not sure of your obligations in regard to fire risk assessment in Kent, here is our guide to keeping your building and your visitors safe at all times.
Do I Really Need A Fire Risk Assessment
Yes! There is no escaping from your obligations in regard to a fire safety assessment. These are mandatory by law and you must have one undertaken.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which applies in England and Wales, sets out all your obligations regarding fire safety. Although this piece of legislation covers England and Wales, there is similar legislation laid down to cover fire safety assessment requirements in Scotland and Northern Island. Wherever you are in the UK, you must have an up to date fire risk assessment.
What Is A Fire Risk Assessment?
Simply put, a fire risk assessment is undertaken to help you minimise the risk of a fire by identifying potential hazards and fire risks within your business premises. Once completed, your fire risk assessment will provide recommendations to make your premises safer if need be.
A fire risk assessment in Kent will look at much more than just the structure of a building. It will also take into account the contents of the building, the way it is laid out and how the building is used. To ensure the safety of everyone who has reason to be on your premises, it will also examine how many people you have capacity for, what they will be doing whilst there and how they would be able to escape should the worst happen.
It will also look at steps to minimise potential dangers and lay out recommendations for any improvements that are needed.
Who can carry out a Fire Risk Assessment?
Legally speaking, your fire risk assessment in Kent, must be carried out by what the law deems to be a ‘competent person’. A fully qualified Fire Risk Assessor will usually be the best person to call upon.
Your qualified Fire Risk Assessor will need to be fully competent and highly experienced in order to assess your premises against all of the factors mentioned above.
They will also need to be able to:
- Record all the significant findings clearly and in detail
- Develop a fire safety action plan if changes are needed and record the actions
- Implement the action plan if one is needed
- Keep the fire risk assessment updated on an ongoing basis
A Professional Fire Risk Assessor will have undergone a large amount of training and will be very well versed in all the latest legal requirements and guidelines.
How Can I Find A Fire Risk Assessor In Kent?
Here at Risk Safety Services, we appreciate that keeping your premises and your staff and visitors safe from fire is a vital part of your business.
That’s why we offer efficient and effective risk safety assessments for companies throughout Kent and the surrounding areas. Call us today on 0843 523 0410 to find out how we can help.