Categories: Fire Safety

abby heath


Since the Grenfell Tower tragedy buildings up and down the UK have been checked for their fire safety and additional precautions have been taken. As well as the removal of cladding there has been renewed interest in the risk assessment processes in place for commercial and residential properties. Fire risk assessment for offices in Kent and commercial premises is governed by a very specific section of law, which is why investing professional fire risk assessment from health and safety consultants is recommended.

Fire safety in both new build and altered office spaces is subject to the Buildings Regulations in England and Wales.  Offices are considered a moderate fire risk for many different reasons and their risks have to be managed accordingly. Investing in professional fire risk assessment for offices in Kent ensures your business is protected against the chance of fire. It also means you have the right protocols in place should the worst happen.

Office Fire Risks

Fires in offices are usually the result of carelessness or not properly following procedure. However, arson is also the most common cause of fire in business premises generally. Some of the key fire risks in offices include:

  • Electrical appliances: often a source of fire is misused or due to electrical fault. All equipment should be regularly checked and fully risk assessed
  • Kitchen areas: many offices have small kitchenettes or at least counters for tea and coffee facilities. These two provide a potential fire risk.
  • Storeroom and warehouse spaces: storerooms and spaces where files are stored are a risk because of the high volumes of paper
  • Flammable liquids and substances: photocopier ink and other regularly used office essentials are flammable and so a considerable risk

Fire Assessment for Offices in Kent

Your Kent business needs to be fully prepared should there be a fire and this means the right controls need to be in place. These controls can only be put in place with full fire assessment for offices in Kent. This is something you can carry out yourself. However, working with a professional partner like Risk Safety Services ensures a comprehensive assessment. This is in addition to highly experienced support to ensure you meet the minimum requirements for an appropriate risk assessment.