As a retailer, it is an expectation that you will protect any person that enters your premises from harm, so they are safe in your business. This means you are responsible for removing and controlling risks. Because employees, contractors and members of the public use your premises, you are responsible for protecting all these people. A health and safety assessment for retail premises Kent can be a confusing topic, with various different requirements to consider.
So that you can relax knowing you’ve got everything covered, our expert team are sharing everything you need to know.
What Is A Health And Safety Assessment For Retail Premises Kent?
Your health and safety management should be back up with a risk assessment, so you have documentation. This should cover all the significant hazards and risks in your retail space. There is a five-step approach to a health and safety assessment for retail premises Kent;
- Identifying hazards and risks in the premises.
- Deciding who could potentially be harmed by the hazard or risk. Because retail premises have many different people, you will need to identify the groups.
- Evaluating these risks and deciding on precautions.
- Recording and implementing the findings.
- Reviewing and updating the risk assessment regularly.
Is A Health And Safety Risk Assessment For Retail Premises Kent A Legal Requirement?
Because all businesses are required by law to have appropriate health and safety measures in place, retail spaces must complete an assessment. Failing to comply with health and safety laws is an offence.
As an employer, you must be able to show that you have taken all reasonable practical steps to protect against risks.
At Risk Safety Services, we are a friendly and professional company with expertise in health and safety assessments. Because we have many years of experience, we are able to answer any questions you may have about your business requirements. For more information, get in touch today on 0343 523 0410 or use any of our contact details found here.